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Summary of : Think And Grow Rich

Think & Grow Rich is probably THE #1 most famous success book of all time. It was written by Napoleon Hill and has sold over 15 million copies.
 It's a must read for investors and business tycoons.

Think And Grow Rich is a state of mind. It exploits the power of thought to manifest strong desires and a definite purpose into reality.

The author has highlighted the following which is summarized in this blog

1. DESIRE:The Turning Point Of Achievement

 A powerful desire towards achieving a goal uses a combination of two types of motivation:

1. Pull motivations (the outcome of the goal is so favourable, that it pulls you towards the goal)
2. Push motivations (you are pushed to action because of the negative consequences of not taking action)

The author provides the mindset for 5 key areas of Desire:
1. Money
2. Career
3. Leading position
4. Failure
5. Great people's desires

2. FAITH:  Belief In Achieving Desire

Faith is the starting point of success and the glue that holds it all together. As a state of mind, faith can be induced  through repeated affirmations  to the subconscious mind. This encourages positive emotions and eliminates negative emotions.

3.  SPECIALISED KNOWLEDGE:Personal Experience Or Observations

For our desires to translate into monetary or career,  we are first required to have specialised knowledge of the service, product, or profession of which we intend to offer in return for fortune. Courses, seminars, books (or summaries!), industry conferences, they all improve your odds of acquiring the much-needed specialised knowledge for yourself.

4. AUTO-SUGGESTION:The Medium For Influencing The Subconscious

The principle of auto-suggestion communicates our desires directly to the subconscious mind. We can regain absolute control over the material which reaches our subconscious mind, exercising control over our decisions, feelings, and actions.

5. ORGANISED PLANNING:The Crystallisation Of Desire Into Action

Simply hoping to succeed at your goal is not the answer. Every achievement starts with a strong desire, workshopped to reality through imagination, followed by an organised plan.

No plan is perfect. When you execute your plan, you will likely experience a temporary defeat. Rebuild your plans and keep pursuing your goal, armed with the knowledge of your previous failures.

Don’t give up before you reach your goal, because quitters do not win and winners do not quit.

6. DECISION:The Mastery Of Procrastination

People who fail to succeed, without exception, reach decisions, if at all, very slowly, and change their minds quickly and often. Successful people reach decisions definitely, changing their mind slowly. They know what they want and, generally, get it.  Procrastination, the opposite of decision, is a common enemy which practically every person must conquer.

7. PERSISTENCE:The Sustained Effort Necessary To Induce Faith

Lack of persistence is one of the major causes of failure. It can be conquered by following four steps suggested by author

1. Develop a definite purpose, backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment.
2. Build a definite plan, expressed in continuous action.
3. Keep out all negative and discouraging influences.
4. Stay accountable to people who will encourage you to follow through your plan and purpose.


A mastermind is having a team of people in place, whose job it is to help you succeed and carry out your plans.

9. SUBCONSCIOUS MIND:The Connecting Link

The subconscious mind can be used as a medium for transmuting your desires into their physical or monetary equivalent. To gain control over your subconscious mind, you must acquire positive emotions and eliminate negative emotions.

10. THE SIXTH SENSE:The Door To The Temple Of Wisdom

The understanding of the sixth sense comes only by meditation. However sixth sense will never function if negative emotions remain in your mind. To shield yourself from this enemy, use your willpower to gain control over your thoughts and influence your subconscious mind.

Favorite Quotes :

1. When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.

2. If you do not see great riches in your imagination, you will never see them in your bank balance.

3. Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

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