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Summary of : 21 secrets of self made millionaires

The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires Summary

This book The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires covers 15 years of teachings and research on the practices of self-made millionaires. It shows that most self-made millionaires were successful because of their perseverance.

As per the Law of Cause and Effect, one can be successful by following the lines of successful people. And what do these successful people do?

Success Secret One: Dream Big
Dreams allow yourself to dream and imagine the type of life you want to live. How much you need to earn to live your dream lifestyle.
Note down all that you’d do if success were sure. Pick one action and do that now.

Success Secret Two: Develop a Clear Sense of Direction
Two elements are essential in determining what happens to you. These include what you think of the most and how you feel about it.

Success Secret Three: See Yourself as Self-Employed
What happens to you is your responsibility. Hence, if you’re unhappy with something, you should change it. This way you’ll cultivate the mindset of a responsible and independent entrepreneur.

Success Secret Four: Do What You Love to Do
Find out your calling. Determine what it is that you love doing and have the talent for. When you love what you do, then you’ll not see it as work.

Success Secret Five: Commit to Excellence
Anything you decide to do, try to be the best at it. Strive to be among the top 10% in your domain. You ought to be very talented. Because every successful person is exceptionally competent.

Success Secret Six: Work Longer and Harder
As every self-made millionaire works hard, you must too. This means you should start early, stay later and work with more intensity.

Success Secret Seven: Dedicate Yourself to Lifelong Learning
There are three keys to continual learning:

○Devote at least an hour every day reading about things in your field.
○Listen to podcasts while driving or commuting.
○Be part of as many workshops and courses in your area as possible.

Success Secret Eight : Learn Every Detail of Your Business
Learn how to become better at what you do. Try becoming a specialist in your area. By doing this, you’re likely to reach the top. Keep yourself updated with the latest books.

Success Secret Nine : Focus on Your Priorities
Learn to set priorities regularly. And then, focus on attaining them. Such single-minded devotion could be hard to develop. But you’ll need willpower, character, and discipline to focus on your main priority until you achieve it.

Success Secret Ten : Climb from Peak to Peak
Try being like a mountain climber. A climber rallies up the peak and goes down before going up the next one. You’ll face both ups and downs in your life.

There are more success secret but I have discussed only ten here.

Favorite Quotes :

1. You are like a chameleon in that you take on the attitudes, behaviors, values and beliefs of those with whom you associate most of the time.

2. The first secret of self-made mil­lion­aires is simple: dream big dreams!

3. Your goal should be to become an expert in your chosen field by learning every single detail about how to do your work better and better.

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